
Creating Brighter Futures for our Students

Serendipity’s transition services create a bridge for young people between the K-12 special education system and the world beyond the classroom.  By helping students acquire necessary skills of independence, we prepare them to become productive and contributing members of the adult community. In addition to independent self-care skills, however, transition readiness depends on effective communication skills, the ability to self-advocate, and the demonstration of resiliency. Life Skills instruction is therefore offered to all students. Opportunities to cultivate leadership, appropriate self-expression, and pre-employment skills are offered as students become ready to participate.

“What I like best about the Transition Program is learning how to be independent and the interaction I have with other people my own age. I like that I am able to function like an adult.”

— Transition Student

Transition Services are provided to students in grades 7 through 12+. These services include the development and coordination of each student’s Personal Education Plan and Profile, as well as implementing transition goals on each student’s IEP. Students conduct career exploration using the Oregon Career Inventory System. The primary transition curriculum has three areas of learning focus – Daily Living, Self-Determination and Interpersonal Skills, and Employment Skills.

Providing opportunities to apply and practice these skills is as important as teaching them. Click the following links to learn more about student leadership opportunities and on-campus work experience options. All are designed to advance the goals we hold for all out students – to become educated and productive members of their communities.