2022-2023 Serendipity Circle Members
2022-2023 Serendipity Center Donors
Anonymous Donors
Abby Silverman
Adam Bienvenu & Lauren Mulkey
Alex Ayers
Alexander Torson
Alicia Sterling
Allen Dobbins & Katherine McDuffie
Amber Battaglia
Andrew & Patti Beyer
Andrew Chung
Angela Perkins
Anne & Keith Knapstad
Austin Eddy
Autumn Yongchu
Bart & Wendy Ricketts
Belinda Marier & Patrick Sliger
Bettianne Goetz
Binu Kumar Balakrishnan Nair
Bishop Giving Fund of Fidelity Charitable
Bob Carus
Bonnie Jean Ione
Bradley Hansen
Brian Frost & Angela Wilson
Carol Cubbage
Carolyn Koestserman
Catherine Rubenstein
Chris & Jolie Guillebeau
Chris Cubbage
Chris Diaz
Chris Schaffer
Christie Wakefield
Claudia Brooks
D. Gary & Elizabeth Christensen
Dale Farr
Dale Farr Charitable Fund of Baird Inc.
Dan & Helen Stancil
Dan Hess & Melora Neminski
Dana Monaghan & Guy Tinat
Daniel Smith & Jennifer Burns
Danielle Antoinette Colonna
David & Janell Alexander
David & Kathleen Murray
Davida & Slate Wilson
Denise Wright
Diane Elliot
Diane Schaffer & Wayne Mulberry
Dianne & Gary Wells
Don & Kate Insko
Donald Huffman
Donnece Malone-White
Doug & Karen Rice
Elizabeth Clark Agosti
Elizabeth Fields
Emily Kelley
Emily McAdams
Eric & Gail Johnston
Eric Levine
Eric Robertson & McKenzie Strickland
Erika & George Schwartz
Erin Makey
Ethan Faust
Frances & Michael Royce
Gary Gitner & Karen Rash-Gitner
Glynis Prakash
Greg & Julie Wolleck
Gregory & Linda Anable
Gretchen Wernert
Grootendorst & Haggard Fund of Vanguard Charitable
Harold Goldstein
Heather Meyers
Hoa Nguyen
Jack Myers
Jackie & Tom Trussell
Jade & Krista Insko
Jane Droescher
Jane Ediger
Jane Potter
Janet & Greg Moore
Janice Morgan
Jean & Ray Auel
Jeff & Bess Austin
Jeffrey Dick & Cindy Lozeau
Jelena Doney
Jerlando West
Jessica Warzoha
Jill McGovern, PhD
Jim & Judy Walker
Joan Quihuis
Johanna Reuss
John & Jin Bean
Joi Kilby
Josh & Christa Benton
Karen & Cliff Deveney
Karen Bersack
Karnezos & Hill Giving Fund of Fidelity Charitable
Kathleen Treb
Kellan Marvin
Kelly Hayes
Kelly Lindell
Kelly Viernes
Kendall Liddicoat
Kendra Smith Fund of Schwab Charitable
Kerry Sobol & Alec Mattison
Kevin Brague
Kevin Thompson & Benjamin Carver
Kim LaFever & Paul Spencer
Kimberly Superneau
Kirk & Lynn Loders
Kristin & Steve Harquail
Kristin Bauer
Larry & Jan Baker
Laura & Jaaron Smith
Lilo Alfaro
Linda & Jim Haney
Linda Patterson & Craig Coe
Lisa Fajardo Faust
Lori Silverman
Lucas & Abby McAdams
Mandy Looney
Mark & Jami Takehara
Mark Kummerer & Phanna Pich
Mary Beth Van Cleave & Mary Kinnick
Mary Lee & Gary Oshiro Fund of Schwab Charitable
Matthew Berryessa & Will Eichelberger
Matthew Wiley
Megan & Michael Pine
Michael Hsu
Mike & Karen Taylor
Mike German
Mimi Henninger
Monica & James Thompson
Nanci Wardell Allen
Nancy & Paul Heer
Nancy & Peter Gudekunst
Nancy McFadden
Nathan Bigot
Nicholas & Kristin Walrod Fund of the Oregon Community Foundation
Nicole & Neal Zumwalt
Norm & Kathy Dull
Pat Guillebeau
Patricia Clark & Bennett Goldstein
Patrick & Megan Wrobel
Paul & Felicha Fields
Paul B Dickey & Stefani McRae-Dickey
Promod Antony & Sumi Promod
Rachel Allen
Rachel Gardell
Rachel Gitner & Robert Gebhardt
Richard & Anne DeWolf
Rick & Mary Larson
Ron & Ann Gullberg
Ross & Joann Cornelius Fund of Schwab Charitable
Sabrina Lightfoot-Montero & Marcel Montero
Scott Barcroft
Shannon Dale
Shea Anderson
Sonja & David Miller
Spencer Eide
Stacey Johnston
Steve & Laura Louie
Susan Teller
Suzanne Kruse
Taylor Letham
Teena Huffman
Tim Ward
Tom Coan
Toni Karter
Tyler Allen
Vanessa & Jordan Reyes
Wellington Fund of Vanguard Charitable
Wendy Beth Oliver
William & Kit Hawkins
William & Ruth Roy Fund of The Oregon Community Foundation
William Wyss Barnett
Zach Jones
Al’s Garden & Home
Bob’s Red Mill
General Mills Box Tops for Education
BRIC Architecture
Brown & Brown
Clackamas Education Service District
Coffman Excavation
Columbia Sportswear
Convergence Networks
Cooper Mountain Vineyards
Dave’s Killer Bread
Durham & Bates Insurance
Dutch Bros
Embold Credit Union
Epic Games
Fillmore Trattoria
First Interstate Bank
Freeland Spirits
Haddad Brands
HANGIN’ Custom Picture Framing
Heritage Bank
Heritage Wealth Strategies
KPFF Consulting Engineers
Kroger Inc.
Lan Su Chinese Garden
Lease Crutcher Lewis
Logic Intelligence
Lubliner Florist
Lucky Day, LLC
MARCO Unlimited
McMenamins Pubs & Breweries
Miller Nash LLP
NW Natural
Moda Health
Oaks Park
Office Products Nationwide
OnPoint Community Credit Union
Oregon Department of Education
Oregon Rain Harvesting
Oregon Shakespear Festival
Pacific Office Automation
Pacific West Bank
Portland Center Stage
Portland Nursery
Powell’s Books
Providence Health & Services
Saalfeld Griggs PC
Sephora Portland
Stoller Family Estate
The Brague Law Firm
The Community Team at New Seasons Market
The Standard
Troutdale Liquor
Wells Fargo
AmazonSmile Foundation
Blackbaud Giving Fund through YourCause
Braemar Charitable Trust
Central East Portland Rotary Foundation
Dutch Bros Foundation
James & Shirley Rippey Family Foundation
James F. & Marion L. Miller Foundation
Juan Young Trust
Marie Lamfrom Charitable Foundation
Meyer Memorial Trust
National Christian Foundation Twin Cities
Network for Good
NIKE Social & Community Impact
OCF Joseph E. Weston Public Foundation
Oregon Jewish Community Foundation
PayPal Giving Fund
Portland Rotary Charitable Trust
Quest Foundation
The Jackson Foundation
The Principal Financial Group Foundation
Anonymous Donors
Alex Ayers
Dianne & Gary Wells
Ethan Faust
Janice Morgan
Jelena Doney
Kevin Brague
Kimberly Superneau
Mark Kummerer & Phanna Pich
Matthew Berryessa & Will Eichelberger
Mimi Henninger
Monica & James Thompson
Patrick & Megan Wrobel
Rachel Gitner & Robert Gebhardt
Steve & Laura Louie
Susan Teller
Suzanne Kruse
Toni Karter
Whole Kids Foundation
Claudia Brooks
Davida & Slate Wilson
Denise Wright
Eric Hare
Erika & George Schwartz
Erin Makey
Jeffrey Dick & Cindy Lozeau
Jill McGovern, PhD
Kellan Marvin
Linda Patterson & Craig Coe
Lines for Life
Mark & Jami Takehara
Mark Kummerer & Phanna Pich
Matt Bitzegaio
NIKE Social & Community Impact Fund
Patrick & Megan Wrobel
Rachel Gitner & Robert Gebhardt
Shea Anderson
Belinda Marrier
Graham Kilby
Jolie Guillebeau
Mark Takehara
Nancy Radd
Serendipity Staff