Frequently Asked Questions about serving on Serendipity’s Board
Please click on the questions below to read the answers to Frequently Asked Questions.
What is the role of the Board at Serendipity Center?
- The board establishes and furthers our mission.
- The board serves as ambassadors in the community, raising awareness and forming new relationships on behalf of Serendipity.
- The board gives and helps raise financial support.
- The board provides fiscal and policy oversight.
- The board plans and implements strategic goals, guiding the evolution of the agency.
What is the structure of Serendipity’s Board?
Serendipity’s By-Laws, last revised in 2019, call for the board to range in size between 10 and 20 members. There are four recognized officers, or leadership roles –Board Chair, Board Vice Chair, Board Secretary, and Board Treasurer. An additional leadership opportunity is that of chairing a Board Committee. Board officer terms are only one year and only renewable once. It is the belief of the board that changes in style and perspective among its leaders best serves its mission. Board members are encouraged to prepare themselves to assume leadership roles, if interested, at some point in their tenure. The By-Laws empower one Standing Acting Committee—the Executive Committee. This committee is comprised of board officers and guides the functioning of the board each year. There are five Standing Advisory Committees – the Finance Committee, the Program Advisory Committee, the Donor Advisory/Outreach Committee, the Legislative Committee, and the Nominating/Equity Committee. Ad Hoc Committees may be formed when needed and, in the past, have tackled Marketing and Events. Each board member is expected to serve on at least one committee.
What time commitment do board members make?
Five hours each month is the average time requirement for board members. This amount typically includes board meeting preparation and attendance; committee meeting preparation, attendance, and assignments; and travel time. The full board meets either 8 or 9 times each school year. Regular meetings begin in September. Full meetings do not typically occur in the summer, in December (unless needed), or in June. Committees typically meet monthly and for all 12 months of the year.
Does board membership have term limits?
Yes. A term of service as a Serendipity board member is three years in length. It can be renewed twice, before a mandatory break of a minimum of one-year is imposed.
How are board meeting minutes handled?
Minutes of board meetings are taken by the Board Secretary. They are emailed to board members following the meeting and posted on the secure board portal within Serendipity’s website. Minutes of committee meetings are expected to be emailed and posted on the portal as well. Sometimes these are taken by a committee member or the staff member assigned to support the committee.
What are expectations for board members?
Prior to the Annual Meeting in September, board members complete an Individual Work Plan for the upcoming year. Both the Executive Director and the Development Director are happy to meet privately with board members who would like to discuss their commitments and potentially explore new areas of service. The Work Plan details the board member’s committee assignment, annual pledge, and participation in outreach and/or special projects.
What are the most important projects and challenges being confronted by the organization?
- Securing adequate funding during a time of complex and changing systems for financing both education and mental health services in Oregon. There is a critical need to increase staff compensation levels to deter turn-over.
- Adapting our facilities to meet the current needs of our children and programs. More could be developed in our service delivery model (Transition services, therapeutic services, and the Communications Classroom) if the limitations of our infrastructure and capital resources were removed.
- Growing into the role of thought leader through participation in county and state policy discussions and possibly through contracting for training/coaching services within interested districts.
- Regularly producing measurable outcome reports that reveal impact on present and past students, both for internal continuous improvement and for adding substance to thought leadership.
Is there an annual independent audit?
Yes. The annual audit is completed over the summer, following the close of the fiscal year on June 30th. Board members serving on Serendipity’s Finance Committee serve as an Audit Subcommittee, charged with engaging the independent auditor, reviewing the findings, and ensuring implementation of recommendations. Typically, the auditor presents the audited financial statements and audit letters to the board in October. In addition to the annual independent fiscal audit, Serendipity’s 403(b) Plan has reached a sufficient number of participants to require an annual independent audit of the plan. This audit typically begins its field work in November, with a presentation of findings presented to the Finance Committee in February. (click here to see last three years of fiscal audits)
Is there Directors’ and Officers’ coverage? How recently has a professional reviewed the risk management policies to evaluate the adequacy of insurance coverage?
Serendipity does provide Management Liability for past, present and future Board and committee members and officers in the amount of $2,000,000. Management Liability includes Directors’ & Officers’ Liability, Employment Practices Liability, Fiduciary Liability, Workplace Violence Liability, Sexual Misconduct Coverage, and Cost of Defense for Wage and Hour Claims. In addition, we provide insurance in the following areas: Property (including Mechanical Breakdown), Earthquake & Flood, Inland Marine, Crime, General Liability, Sexual Abuse, Professional Liability Business Auto (owned, non-owned, and hired), Cyber Liability, Worker’s Compensation, Terrorism, and a $5 million Umbrella policy. The adequacy of our insurance coverage is reviewed annually prior to policy renewal with our broker. Evidence of renewed coverage and current insurance limits are provided annually to all board members.
Has the board adopted a Conflict of Interest policy?
Yes. The Executive Committee has crafted several board policies, which have been adopted by our Board of Directors. Other policies define procedures for recruiting and mentoring new members, electing officers, authorizing committees to make decisions, working with program management and staff, and evaluating and compensating the Executive Director.
What training and mentoring are offered to new board members?
New board members tour Serendipity’s campus, during which they meet with the Executive Director, the Board Chair, and other key managers. The purpose is to become well-oriented to the mission, culture, and practices of the organization. New board members are encouraged to visit committee meetings and to complete their annual work plan within three months. Each board member is assigned a mentor and provided access to a secure board segment of the Serendipity website.
How is accountability created for board members?
Each board member completes and submits an individual work plan annually. This planning occurs in an individual meeting with the Development Director. Accountability for committees is established through regular reports of progress towards the annual strategic work plan provided to the full board in board meetings.