Therapeutic Recreation
An essential component to Serendipity Center’s Wellness Program is Therapeutic Recreation.
The Serendipity campus has designated indoor and outdoor activity spaces, in addition to the NIKE Playground, to provide our students the opportunity for daily movement and play. Consistent with the programs offered at Serendipity, Therapeutic Recreation seeks to build physical, cognitive, and emotional skills through an integrated approach. Physically active environments are natural settings for peer to peer interaction and the development of social skills through play. At Serendipity Therapeutic Recreation focuses on the improvement of one social skill each semester that is adapted for diverse developmental levels and classroom needs.
Features of our Therapeutic Recreation Program:
- Integrates academics, wellness, and at-home activities
- Lesson plans modified to meet developmental needs of each class
- Focus on building life-long movement skills
- Focus on non-competitive activities and non-elimination games
- Prioritizes continuous movement
- A chance for students to experience joy in their day
Serendipity utilizes the SPARK curriculum, a research-based program that meets the national standards for physical education. The objectives of SPARK align seamlessly with our goals for our students.
- Students can demonstrate competency in a variety of motor skills and patterns.
- Students can apply knowledge of content, principles, strategies, and tactics related to movement and performance.
- Students can demonstrate knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain health enhancing level of physical activity and fitness.
- Students can exhibit responsible social and personal behaviors that respect others and themselves.
- Students can recognize the value of activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and social interaction.