Entries by developer

2019-2020 Four Pillar Fund Annual Campaign Concludes

  We set a very ambitious goal of $240,000 for our 2019–2020 Four Pillar Fund campaign and we triumphantly came within $4,000 of that goal! Our community rose to the challenge magnificently to support Serendipity as we navigated a world where school was closed and events to celebrate and support our school were cancelled. Through […]

Welcome Kevin Thompson – Serendipity’s New Vice Principal

We are so excited to welcome Kevin Thompson, Serendipity’s new Vice Principal! Below is a short video from Kevin introducing himself and sharing a little bit of his background and passion for working with the students at Serendipity. In Kevin’s own words to the staff in his introductory email: “I’m super excited to work with […]

Support Serendipity with Stoller Wines

MAKING A CASE FOR GIVING! Looking for a way to support Serendipity and enjoy some fabulous Stoller Wine this Memorial Day? Stoller Wine group and Serendipity are partnering to bring you a very special wine offer for the week of May 25 through May 31. Stoller Wine Group will donate 20% of all proceeds from […]

Serendipity Maintaining Mental Health Support During COVID.

WHILE THE PANDEMIC HAS CHANGED OUR WORLD DRAMATICALLY… Serendipity’s commitment to providing special education together with emotional and behavioral growth remains unchanged. Our teachers and mental health clinicians work diligently each day to continue to deliver our unique model of special education, weaving mental health treatment into each student’s day. As you can imagine, delivering […]

Giving Thanks Tuesday

 YES, TODAY IS #GivingTUESDAYNow… BUT WE ARE RENAMING IT #GivingTHANKSTuesday I wanted to reach out to all of our staff, supporters and donors with my deepest appreciation for your incredible support of Serendipity at this time. We have all come together as one community to support special education and mental health treatment at a time […]

Our Teachers and Staff continue to work hard to Serve Serendipity Students

Whether it’s teachers putting together lesson packets or case managers checking in on families, Serendipity is doing our utmost to meet the needs of our students. Today we want to highlight what the staff has been doing to deliver Family Food Shares to our students and their families during this difficult economic time. This includes: […]

Thank You for Your Continued Generous Support!

YOUR INCREDIBLE GENEROSITY HAS HELPED US COVER THE COSTS OF DELIVERING DISTANCE LEARNING AND MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES VIRTUALLY TO OUR STUDENTS! For the last few weeks, we have reached out to you with the urgent needs we have encountered with the onset of COVID-19 and what Serendipity is doing to serve our students as we […]

Thank you to our Supporters!

A HUGE THANK YOU to Serendipity Friends, Supporters & Donors! Last week we reached out to you with an update on the new reality we are facing with COVID-19 and what Serendipity is doing to serve our students during this unprecedented school closure. We asked you to consider donating to help us meet two urgent […]

Serendipity needs your Support in the midst of COVID-19

As you know, COVID-19 has altered the world around us, and we are facing a new reality. Unfortunately, school closures leave many of our students —who are working so hard to overcome trauma and other major challenges in their lives—with many needs. WE URGENTLY NEED YOUR HELP WITH THE FOLLOWING- TECHNOLOGY NEEDS: Purchasing additional laptops […]