Our Teachers and Staff continue to work hard to Serve Serendipity Students
Whether it’s teachers putting together lesson packets or case managers checking in on families, Serendipity is doing our utmost to meet the needs of our students. Today we want to highlight what the staff has been doing to deliver Family Food Shares to our students and their families during this difficult economic time. This includes:
-Combined donations from Pacific Foods, Bob’s Red Mill & Dave’s Killer Bread, along with garden produce & items from the kitchen to make a share of complete meals including recipes.
-Collaboration between garden staff, food service, case managers & interventionists to identify families, harvest, clean, pack & deliver shares.
-Delivery every other Friday, with two deliveries so far (4/10 & 4/24). The first share was delivered to 14 families, and the second to 23 famlies.
Above is a video that Nicolas, our Growing Minds Garden Manager and Taylor, his assistant, put together with the help of Brian, our head chef (and pinch-hit videographer) to update the kids on what has been happening in the garden while the school has been closed. The garden is an essential part of our students’ lives when they are on campus and it is important for them to witness the growing and changing that is occurring even though they can’t physically be there.
We are so appreciative of all our staff and teachers and their adaptability and continued pursuit of excellence during these past few months of closures!