Mental Health Awareness Month is Every Month at Serendipity Center
“We didn’t know.” It’s is a common refrain in the teen suicide narrative: a seemingly happy child dies by suicide before anyone was aware of the child’s underlying mental health issues. On this Children’s Mental Health Awareness Month, we call attention to a school who knows. Serendipity Center staff wrap themselves around struggling children tightly, with the utmost care and love.
Serendipity Center is a K-12, fully accredited therapeutic school in SE Portland, Oregon whose individualized, trauma-informed approach has transformed the lives of hundreds of students since 1979. They serve children who cannot be successful in public schools due to their histories of disability, trauma, and behavioral issues. These students have the most acute mental health needs in our region and come from over 20 school districts. Many students have never found success at school. Serendipity Center proves that they can be successful when given the right support.
“We meet children where they are. We don’t start with ‘what’s wrong with you and how can we fix you?’ We ask, ‘what happened to you? How can we help you cope with the hand you’ve been dealt?’ It’s an important distinction.”
— Jackie Trussell, Treatment Director at Serendipity Center
Serendipity Center starts with both a comprehensive mental health assessment and an Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) survey. “Once we know the child’s background, trauma history, and mental health landscape, we can develop an individualized plan in concert with school staff, their family and other service providers to support healing,” explains Jackie. “We pour resources into these kids when no one else will.” The impact of Serendipity Center cannot be understated. Last year 10 out of 11 seniors graduated on time; the 11th will graduate this year. 500 individual goals were tracked, and many skills were practiced and improved upon. 80% of students met or exceeded their behavioral and academic goals.
Congratulations to the class of 2022 graduating seniors, but especially to those who have overcome immense odds at Serendipity Center. “I’m most proud of never giving up,” wrote one senior. Your community is proud of you, too.
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Our Mission
To provide the best environment for students to heal and become educated, productive community members.