2021-2022 Four Pillar Campaign: Home Stretch!

“The staff always treated me with kindness and respect. They never pressured me into anything, and told me, ‘when you’re ready to talk about it we’re always going to be here to listen.’ And it helped tremendously because I’d never been given that choice.” 

— current student Andrew

We need your support so we can continue to teach students with the most acute learning, mental and behavioral health challenges in our region. Our school district partners pay only 85% of our costs, leaving some needs unmet. The need is larger this year as students struggled to transition from virtual to in-person learning after the pandemic. Our staff struggled along with our kids. We invested in staff by providing more competitive compensation. because without highly trained and compensated staff, students like Andrew can’t succeed.

We will continue to invest in our students and staff by expanding programs and training in our Extended School Year (ESY) summer program.

Typically, the ESY budget only allows us to run a skeletal program with a few staff members. Qualifying students can lose up to 30% of what they learned the previous year during the summer without ESY programming.

With your help, we will enhance summer programs so our students receive all the mental health and wellness supports they need with the one-on-one assistance they deserve.

Without ESY

Qualifying children can’t make progress on their academic and social goals. In the Fall, staff will be ill-equipped to manage the complex needs of our students, many of whom have experienced multiple traumatic events and have a history of aggression.

With ESY

Children have an enriching summer. They don’t spend the fall semester relearning last year’s lessons. Staff learn how best to work with our unique population in a less stressful, relaxed environment. Staff are well-equipped to help children thrive.

Our students need your help to be successful this summer and beyond. Please ensure that our children thrive by setting them up for success!

I urge you to make your donation today as the 2021-22 Four Pillar Campaign closes.

Because our students deserve every chance we can give them to start the school year out right.

Sincerely yours,

Mark Takehara
Executive Director, and ALL of us at Serendipity Center

*PS: With your May donation, you will automatically be entered to win a $100 garden-themed gift card and other goodies! Donate often, since each donation counts as one entry.*

*Sweepstakes Rules: Anyone who makes a monetary donation of any amount to Serendipity Center between 5/1/2022 and 6/1/2022 will be automatically entered to win. Each donation counts as one entry in the sweepstakes. A winner will be drawn from a randomized list on June 2, 2022. The odds of winning will depend upon the number of entries received. This sweepstakes is sponsored by Serendipity Center, PO Box 33350, Portland, OR 97292. A donation is not required to enter; please email info@serendipitycenter.org to participate.