
At least annually, you will be asked to attend a meeting at Serendipity. The following is a glossary of those meetings you may be asked to attend or may decide to request:

Initial Screening

The intake process for a student entering Serendipity occurs in two installments. First, a screening is scheduled, which is attended by the parent/guardian, the school district representative, case manager, and special education coordinator and any other members of that child’s team. This meeting is facilitated by Serendipity’s Admissions Manager. We will discuss educational history and current needs as well as information about our program. In the second meeting, called a clinical intake, the student’s Serendipity case manager meets with the student and parent/guardian to explore mental health needs and gain the insight and informed consent that will allow the planning of effective treatment.

Fall, Winter, and Spring Family-Teacher Conferences

Families and Classroom Teachers meet to discuss student progress. The classroom teacher will reach out to schedule your 30 minute session. Please see the annual school calendar for the dates of the Fall, Winter, and Spring Conferences, as well as the dates for the Fall and Spring Open House.

Clinical Intake

Case manager meets with student and family to gather information to complete a mental assessment and service plan prior to start date.

6-Week Check in Meeting

Review IEP to make any revisions. Discuss progress and additional supports necessary to support student progress. Discharge criteria will be completed at this meeting.

Plan of Care (POC)

Plan of Care meetings are held to collaborate with family, school, and treatment teams to ensure continued progress of treatment. Usually, these meetings are used to brainstorm ideas and suggestions that might aid a student in being more successful in their placement at Serendipity.

Annual IEP Review                             

Annually, the student’s IEP team will meet to review and update present levels, goals and measurable objectives, services, and placement. Parent/guardian(s), district, and school team are required to attend this meeting.

IEP Review    

IEP Review meetings are held to review a student’s progress (or lack of progress) and to discuss specific issues that may arise during a student’s placement at Serendipity. All members of the student’s IEP team will be invited to the meeting.

Review of Placement

A Review of Placement meeting is held when there is a question regarding the appropriateness of a student’s placement at Serendipity. This meeting brings together a student’s team to discuss the Serendipity placement or placement options that may better address a student’s current level of need.