Eddy, Serendipity Student
Eddy is a fifth grader who came to Serendipity Center after attending a series of behavior classrooms without finding success. His parents were desperate to find a place where staff could appreciate Eddy for all his strengths and positive qualities and help him learn the skills he needed. He is a kind-hearted boy who has great manners and a desire to make his parents proud. He also has a learning disability and has a hard time managing his anxiety and anger. His parents were overwhelmed with the frequent calls asking for him to be picked up or reporting that he was to be suspended again.
Given the high level of support and structure in Serendipity’s elementary classroom and the time to develop trusting relationships with school staff, Eddy made slow, steady progress. He learned that his teacher cared about him and wanted to help him. He learned that although it took lots of time and repeated lessons, he could learn to read.
He learned methods to help him deal with his frustrations and that asking for help was a smart and normal way to learn, not a sign of weakness. Above all, he learned what it felt like to feel good about himself. He loved taking his daily goal sheets home to show his parents.
After a period of demonstrating safe and productive school behavior, Eddy began to feel ready for his next school placement. He knew now to ask for help, how to take a break when feeling upset and how to follow school expectations. His parents and teachers agreed. With careful planning and lots of support, he transitioned into a structured learning center at his neighborhood school. Eddy and his parents stay in contact with Serendipity staff, proud to report how well he is doing.