Our good friend Rojo the Llama of Mtn. Peaks Therapy Llamas and Alpacas visited Serendipity yesterday! Rojo and all of his buddies at Mtn. Peaks Therapy Llamas and Alpacas have been visiting Serendipity for many years. Since Rojo first started visiting Serendipity he has become the most famous Llama in the world! He has been featured on national publications like Huffington Post. CBS News, and Today.
All of the students interested in meeting Rojo were able to give him hugs, “Llama kisses,” and lots of petting. Rojo’s friendly demeanor and soft fur make him perfectly suited to relax the students of Serendipity and give them a unique break during the day. Thank you so much Lori for bringing Rojo to Serendipity, we hope he can come back soon!