Dear Friends,

We know that children and teens are more successful in learning when they feel good in their bodies. That’s why wellness is integrated into our school curriculum.

At Serendipity, we use a Four Pillar Model to guide our work. Each of the four pillars fits together like a puzzle.

Today, we’re taking a deep dive into Wellness!

We aim to help students develop lifelong health awareness and habits. Our wellness supports include:

  • The Growing Minds Garden is a half-acre adjacent to our school building bursting with vegetables and busy with urban wildlife. It includes a greenhouse and quiet spaces for reflection. Each year we produce over 3000 pounds of sustainably-grown vegetables and fruit, both for our cafeteria as well as for students to take home. Our garden is a living laboratory for hands-on education and the site for therapeutic gardening activities.
  • All students receive free breakfast and lunch in our cafeteria, featuring produce from the garden. We serve nutritious and delicious food made with the intent of love and healing.
  • We believe that children should experience joy every day. Sometimes this happens on the foursquare courts! We offer a variety of physical activities adapted for each student’s abilities and needs. We focus on play, continuous movement, and positive social interactions.


Mark, Takehara
Executive Director, Serendipity Center

The Four Pillar Fund is Serendipity Center’s annual fundraising campaign.

Tuition is provided by school districts, and only partially covers the cost of running Serendipity Center. We use Four Pillar Fund contributions to make sure every student has the comprehensive, layered support they need to thrive.

Your contributions allow us to innovate new programs, pay our staff, purchase technology and supplies for our classrooms and labs, and adapt existing programs to meet constantly evolving COVID-19 protocols.

Serendipity Center’s tax ID: 93-0730861