Scenes from Our Garden Work Party on July 17

Our Board of Directors and staff came together to help out our Growing Minds Garden Saturday morning, July 17.

Nicolas and Taylor, our garden leaders, set us to the necessary work of cleaning up the garden from summer weeds and getting beds ready for planting. Much fun was had along with hard work and service. We enjoyed some good laughs and conversation over a nice outdoor lunch and accomplished a great deal, including trimming over 50 POUNDS of garlic! We were very happy to welcome Board members Michael Hsu, Rick Larson, and Patrick Wrobel to the Garden and introduce them to life at Serendipity.

We are very grateful to everyone who showed up and put in the work, and to Nicolas and Taylor for taking the lead and putting us to work. Stay tuned for more growth in our Garden!


Top Left: Belinda, Michael, Nicolas, and Rick busy helping clean out a garden bed.

Top Right: Board members Michael Hsu & Rick Larson hard at work in the garden.
Bottom: Garden supervisor Nicolas Townsend showing Executive Director Belinda Marier & HR Manager Wendy Law how to pull overgrown purple broccoflower.